Fuckbook Adult Dating Site Review
3.7 / 5.0 (151) Updated May 1, 2014
1 of 10
  • Getting Laid 4.0/5.0
  • Mobile App 3.5/5.0
  • Live Chat 3.5/5.0
  • Active Members 3.6/5.0
  • Site Features 3.7/5.0
  • Privacy 4.0/5.0
  • Verified Members 3.9/5.0
  • Customer Service 3.5/5.0
Overall Rating 3.7 / 5.0
"Fuckbook is a straight forward hookup site for people just looking to bone."
Fuckbook Editor Review
A. Palmer
A. Palmer

3.7 / 5.0
May 1, 2014


Fuckbook is a site that has a lot of cool interface systems going on. Signup in the beginning is easy and the site has a simple to use interface. There are plenty of great things Fuckbook offers with a few caveats but I’ll try to give you a sense of the value that’s being offered here.

Free Registration

The process of signing up on Fuckbook (powered by the award winning XXXConnect.com) is your standard fare for the majority of online dating sites. You’ll fill out some check boxes pertaining to who you are and what you’re looking for. During my enrollment, I was asked my gender, the gender I was interested in meeting, my birthday, my location, my views on oral sex and anal sex, and the kind of relationship I’m looking for which included the choices of discreet encounter, one night stands, friends with benefits, boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, master/slave, sugar daddy/baby, and swing partners. After, I created my own screen name and then they ask for an email to send a verification link. They do this to make sure you’re a real person. So far I’ve seen no signs of increased spam to my email.

When you log in you’ll be sent to the My Homepage screen. Along the top of the page are clear easy to decipher icons to other features of the site. Those icons are My Homepage, My Mailbox, Account Options, Search & Matching, Message Boards, Chat Rooms, a text search field and above that a log out button. All the tabs and buttons you’re presented with are large, color coded and easy to recognize with clear icons.

My Homepage

My Homepage is setup up to give you a lot of information regarding activity and dating prospects quickly as soon as you log. On the upper left side of the My Homepage screen you have your Profile information. Here you can edit your profile and add or edit photos and videos. Below that is your Account Activity feed. You’ll see a listing of activities related to your account, things like friend requests you’ve been sent, other members who have viewed your profile and email that have been sent to you. You can also filter the feed based on the type of activity as well.

To the right of this, they’ve laid out the member search results, categorized at the top as Local Matches, New Members, Viewed Me, Friends List, On Cam, and Hottest Members. All these results are shown in a grid style displaying the member profile photo and display name. Local Matches displays search results for members in close proximity to you own location based on your profile settings. New Members lists all new members who have recently joined Fuckbook.net. Viewed Me will provide a listing of member profiles that have viewed your profile. Friend List will show you the friends you made during your time on the site. On Cam lists profiles to life members broadcasting on webcam to Fuckbook. Hottest Members lists profiles that are active and viewed often on the site. Local Matches does work as the most practical of tabs, but it’s nice to see those other tabs available for a quick view.

There’s also a “refine settings” button that you can use to filter your member search results further based on any characteristic you want.


Clicking onto your own profile, you get a view similar to when looking at other member profiles with the addition of all the information being editable. The top section of the screen has a tab for your photos, and a separate tab for your videos. Below that are links to edit My Status, What I’m Looking For, My Screenname, My Location, My Headline, My Profile Info and links to Add/Edit Photos and Videos. Edit My Status lets you change your current status. Edit What I’m Looking For pulls up a screen with check boxes for the types of casual dating preferences you want to let other members know you are looking for. Edit My Screenname allows for changing the screen name people will see. Edit My Location changes the location settings for your profile. Edit My Headline changes your headline message. Edit My Profile Info gives you the opportunity to change your stats, like height, sexual orientation, marital status and the like.

To the right of all that, is a mini map approximating your location. Below that mini map is a notes section. This note section is private to your profile. The big feature of this is any profile you view will have this section that you can use to write your own notes regarding the member. It’s helpful if you are trying to juggle a bunch of relationships and want to make sure not to mix people up. A favorite feature of mine, I use it all the time.

Under that initial information on the screen, is a summary of your My Profile Info, next to which are five tabs; more information for other members to look through when they view your profile. The Basic Info Tab will show your personal headline, what you’re looking for, your personal About Me and About My Match messages, and a listing of personal tidbits that you can fill out. Stuff like My Favorite Movies, My Pet Peeves, Books I Like, etc. The Profile Stats tab covers more tangible facts like Hair Color, Eye Color, Tattoos, Piercings, Education, Occupation, and the like. The I’m Looking For tab is essentially the same as the Profile Stats tab, only you’re filling in the things you’d like or want in a match or potential date material. The fourth tab, Sex Stats is there to reveal a brief history or snapshot of your sexual tastes and exploits. “Ever had a one night stand?”, “How many sex partners have you had?”, and “Favorite positions:” are the types of information covered here. The final tab, Zodiac, provides the day’s horoscope for your zodiac sign. Lots to do here if you fancy putting in the effort.

My Mailbox

This screen will be used as your message center on the site, similar to most email programs. Going down the left side you’ll see the name of the active profile, a log out button. Under that are a three links; an Inbox filter, a Sent filter and a drafts filter, all of which will be visible to the right. Below those links is a button to add folders, manage folders and an email options button to set up any notifications on specific activities happening on your profile.

Returning to the right side, based on the filters you choose you’ll see the messages you’ve received in short form. You’ll see a picture of the member who sent the message with their Username underneath, the sender’s member type (man, women, etc.), the subject of the message, date received and message status regarding whether or not the message has been read. It should be familiar to anyone who’s used email before.

Account Options

The Account Options screen has some settings that can be adjusted. The options here look similar to the editing options on other screens with a few key additions. Under profile settings, you have options to View Your Profile, Edit Your Profile, Edit Personality Profile, Hide/Show Your Profile and Edit Block List. Clicking the Edit Personality Profile brings you to a Personality Profile Form. This form is basically a consolidated questionnaire used to flesh out your profile information. The Hide/Show My Profile option is useful if you are not able to regularly check your mail, for example if you are on a vacation or business trip.

Under Administrative Settings, you can Change Your Screenname, Change Your Password, Upgrade Your Membership, and My Latest Match Settings. This last option is basically a different application of their Refine Search option on the My Homepage. Under Photos/Video, you can Upload/Manage Photos, Turn On/Turn Off Erotic Images and Upload/Manager Video. Turn On/Turn Off Erotic Images let you choose whether erotic photos and videos will appear in your searches. Under Email Settings, you can change the email you have associated with your member profile and you can change your email settings notifications

The last section here is called Help Desk. You’re given an option contact customer service as well as a link that you can use to upload and manage your videos.

Search & Matchmaking

On the Search & Matchmaking page, you’ll find an interface designed so you can find matching member profiles based on any criteria the Fuckbook keeps track of. From the top down, can indicate whether you’re a man, woman or couple, and then what it is you’re looking for. You can search by gender (more than one gender is available) and your preferred age range. You can also search by the type activity you’re interested in participating in. The check boxes for that are 1-on-1 Dating, Swingers, Online Friends, Alternate Activities, Fetishes, and Other Activity. Searching by location is also available with drop down menus for Country, State, City and a Located Within drop down to indicate a distance from your search location.

If you decide to upgrade your membership you can add additional search criteria. These include Marital Status, Sexual Preference, Body Type, Height Range, Ethnicity, Hair Color, Eye Color, Smoking, Drinking and you can even indicate that you only want to see members with photos. The Search & Matchmaking on Fuckbook is robust, but also keep in mind the more specific your search is the narrower your potential results become.

Message Boards

If you’ve ever posted on community message boards or forums, this page will look familiar. This is a community area for members to post and reply to topics for other people to view and participate. The topics for discussion are categorized. The first category is the Beginners section for new members. You can get info about the site here as well as learn about safe practices. The next category is called All About Sex where you’ll find discussions about turn ons and can ask about sex subjects. There’s a Relationships & Dating section for talk about casual and long term relationships. The Kinky Stuff section is for members new and experienced of fetish fun. Hookups For All Ages caters to particular age groups. Erotica Members is a section focused on postings of erotica split up by audience. You can use the Classified Ads section on the message boards for posting your own ISO (In Search Of) ads divided for different sexual preferences. There are other more miscellaneous board topics as well covering funny things, health and fitness, sports, travel and more. Also, you’re treated to a few photos of the most active message board members down the left side of the page.

Chat Rooms

The Chat Rooms button directs the user to Fuckbook’s own webcams site, FuckbookLiveCams.net. This is a site that offers webcam models that do private online shows for tips. If you wish to take advantage of this service, it will require another membership registration specifically for that site and sign up for that is free but is separate from the Fuckbooknet.net site.

The Good

I really am a fan of the way Fuckbook shows you a detailed activity feed right when you log in to My Homepage. It’s easy to read but tells you a lot about who’s been looking at or messaging your profile. I can see their profile photos and the icons attached to each activity are bright and clean and are a shortcut I’ve learned to identify quickly since I’ve joined.

I also really appreciate the way Fuckbook does Member Profiles. They offer up so many options and ways to customize and express your own individuality. It shows a person has taken some time in making their profile really shine and I appreciate that. Also, the messaging system for communicating with each other through the profiles screen is great. The private notes section is also a great feature.

The Not So Good

Pop-ups and ads. I hate them. Why why why? And they go to other dating sites which I find a bit odd. They aren’t really obstructive, but I think they are always a distraction. Thumbs down to pop-ups and ads.


The cost for memberships on Fuckbook are largely comparable to the other casual dating sites in this space. A Year of Gold Memberships will run you $150.00 and that amounts to the lowest cost per month, but they do offer up a few other, less steep, options. The very bare minimum membership you can get away with at first is a 3 day silver membership trial. As a warning, I’ve learned that there is an auto renewal on your credit card at the 1 month silver membership rate ($29.95/month) when you subscribe to this option.

Silver Memberships
3 Day Trial Membership$1.95
1 Month Membership$29.95
3 Month Membership$59.95
Gold Memberships
1 Month Membership$34.95
3 Month Membership$69.95
12 Month Membership$149.99
CC ProcessorEpoch, CCBill, Jettis, WebBilling

Also, I’d say that if you really are interested in figuring out if this site is for you, 3 days is not nearly enough time to get a proper sense of that. Other discerning members may have reserved attitudes towards members they deem uncommitted to the community. And that’s all it’s really comes down to in terms of getting a satisfying experience on any casual dating site, being able to interact with like-minded people.

If you want to get the ball rolling on hookups with Fuckbook, a Silver Membership is where you’ll want to start. I’m paying $20.00 a month and I’m able to see member photos and videos, and I can contact and send friend requests to everyone. You want these features. You want to be able to contact anyone you like without restriction.

If you want to go beyond that with a Gold Membership, that does have its own additional perks. Gold Members are promoted more in search results and members can see your status as a Gold Member. Nothing says dedication to casual dating and Fuckbook than seeing the Gold Member title emblazoned on your profile. Gold Memberships mean you can video chat and use webcam with other members. Getting access to some porn is a perk for those f you who like to pay for exclusive stuff. I’m getting the mileage I needed on my Silver Membership so the choice is yours on what will fit your needs.

For those of you reading this and are new to this scene, I’ll stress that beginners take it slow. Read up on the message boards, take a temperature of the community. These things will help in determining your comfort level and being able to articulate what you’re looking for to other members. Each member is different and everyone’s learning curve and “game” varies. Taking your time and having an open mind should reap rewards. Don’t be too eager, stay casual. Be smart, be informed. Be fun, have fun.

Final Thoughts

Tired of “relieving tension” on your own, again? You’re for sure not the only one. Fuckbook is a great tool if you’re looking to break away from that cycle. It’s easy to join and setup an account, and it’s designed to get you connected to others like yourself who want to enjoy some casual fun. Men, women, couples, all types are present here. I found the site’s flaws few and far between. I’m putting time into Fuckbook almost every night since joining and my sex life has changed for the better. Looking to get laid? So was I, and Fuckbook helped me do that.

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Site Facts
  • Site Launched 2012
  • Review Created May 1, 2014
  • Customer Service 24/7/365
  • 8,000,000+ Members Photos
  • 568,000+ Member Videos
  • 108,000+ Daily Visitors
  • Ranked in Top 1,000 Adult Site in US
Traffic / Popularity
Unique Visitors For Fuckbook
  • Member Search Tools Search by Location, Interests or Attributes
  • Detailed Member Profiles Personal Info & Photos/Videos
  • Instant Messaging Chat Live w/ Members & Camgirls
  • Member Chatrooms Categorized Chatrooms
  • Online Webcams View & Stream Webcams
  • Message Boards Post/Reply To Online Community
  • Account Activity Log See Profile's Last Activity Date
Company Info
  • Address 42, Dositheou Street Strovolos, Nicosia 2028
  • Phone Support 35-72-267-1943
  • Email Support admin@kamparritradingltd.com
  • Company Kamparri Trading Ltd.
  • Live Chat Support Not Now (In Development)
  • Location Cyprus, Europe
  • Hosting Location Canada
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